How could one explain on oneself...                                   THAT PEOPLE BELIEVE IN THE FREE WILL


Example: The brain makes a decision that can become aware a millisecond later. This awareness then evaluates the feeling that the consciousness has decided.

This is also because the brain's processes are difficult to track


So, because you have the feeling that you have made free decisions with your consciousness, people believe in free will. And, as a rule, do not question this.


If you were to do this experimentally, you would have clear evidence that the brain always decides.


This would inevitably lead to the result that consciousness never decided anything with its so-called "free will". Because consciousness is only there to perceive and to convey this to the brain.



The conclusion would be that there is no free will. On the other hand, the feeling that this "freedom" would otherwise have to be abandoned will usually resist. And it "works" with the midpoint-mechanics.


This can create a goal that no longer takes contrary arguments.


The feeling of freedom thus becomes a goal that evokes positive feelings; one can then feel free from all constraints by hiding the contrary evidence.


Such as.:


In connection with the refutation of free will, it is often argued that you would then no longer have any responsibility, since everything has already been fixed and you can excuse everything.

Aside from the fact that this is not a scientific argument, I recommend reading the article on guilt. Here it is clearly stated that man is guilty if he has violated the laws agreed by the community in which he lives.



Goals follow the midpoint-mechanics. These devalue everything that does not fit the respective goal. Like the reasoning above, which leads to the realization that the will is not free - if you don't accept that.


Now one can argue: of course free will accesses the brain, but it stands above it because it decides for itself what it accesses.


If you argue like this, I would recommend that you take a closer look at how the brain works. To see how diverse and tailored to the respective goals, it constantly adapts to the information it receives from its senses. Originally to ensure survival and then to achieve the respective goals.



Conclusion: Surely the will, as the goal, can decide. However, each time it did not arise from nothing, but from the brain with its many goals. And ultimately, depending on the strength, this more or less decides on the goal of the will!


The will that is in the brain is a sustainable goal with a very strong focus. So a very strong neural network that has greater influence on other networks.


A strong will is important so that you are not subject to wrong goals.

This will of the SELF can more or less bring the brain into corresponding structures via its mechanics.


If you were stronger than other goals that were contrary to the will goal, then you speak of self-overcoming



Free will should mean that this is not subject to legal processes - like everything. Those who walk through the world with open eyes will have to admit that this is just a wish that the facts (substances) do not correspond to.

Because, of course, every will, which is a goal, runs according to laws. To achieve it, you have to go a suitable way.

And, as I said, the substances on this path follow certain laws that cannot simply be ignored because you think that the will is free, can ignore everything and do what it wants.

Anyone who thinks like this will never be able to achieve a desired goal.

Therefore, the word "free" is simply wrong.






How could one 

explain oneself...








attachment in children


Body-mind separation


Brain (and its “operational




Brain (how it works)


brain flexibility


Brain versus computer






consciousness (description)




common sense




creativity / intuition










distraction / priming




Empathy / sympathy


fall asleep




feelings (origin)


First impression


emotional perceptions (feelings and emotionality)


forget (looking for)




Free will




frontal lobe






gut feeling




Inheritance, Genetics, Epigenetics




How the world came into being


How values arise


Ideas (unintentional)


Immanuel Kant


Inheritance, Genetics, Epigenetics






Location of the goals


Meditation (relaxation)


Midpoint-mechanics (function and explanation)




Mirror neurons


near-death experiences


objective and subjective












primordial structures


Prophecy, self-fulfilling


psyche (Definition and representation)




Rage on oneself


See only black or white




the SELF (definition)




[sense of] self-esteem








soul / spirit


Substances and laws (definition)








truth and faith




yin and yang



What kind of reader would you characterize yourself as?


1. I can't understand this.

2. I don't want to understand that because it doesn't fit my own worldview. (So, not to the aims that created this.)

3. I use my cognitive abilities to understand it.

4. I has judged beforehand and thinks I alredy understands everything.