How could one explain oneself ...                                                   Dreams (why they are the way they are)









Why they are so strange




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In general, it is assumed - without reflection - that we perceive the world with our consciousness and thus also decide.


We do not understand the course of the dream event (which we value as a reality in sleep) when we are awake. Because we view the outside world that we see as a fixed reality.


Only when we recognize that our brain - more precisely: the neural networks - first shows us the world and then immediately afterwards the information of the senses from the outside world is processed (if it deviates from the stored one) it is clear that the world is not a fixed reality, but can only be seen from one perspective.


For the dreams this means: Since we perceive the world through our brain while we are awake and evaluate it as reality, we also do the same with the dreams while we are asleep.



This clarifies some questions:

Why do we take in the world like this?

Science knows that we select them.

According to which directives?

According to our aims.

Where are these located?

In the brain - and not in the consciousness!

It follows from this: We do not see the world as it “actually” is, but as it is best used to us from the perspective of the brain.

Now the world is constantly changing. This leads to the question: How do we get new information?

By the senses. In this way, consciousness takes in the world and sends it to the brain.

This can then change its aims. With the result that we then see the world differently.

Consciousness is increased perception through the senses - nothing else!

It absorbs information from outside and from inside the person.

When you sleep, it is usually only from the inside (except for a few external stimuli that have overcome the now higher thresholds), which, as usual, it sends to the brain.


The brain works differently during sleep because it lacks the abilities of the frontal lobe (including its logical accompaniment). Various network connections also change.

This means that the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for the logical viewing of events, loses this function during sleep. As a result, somewhat bizarre impressions appear real.





And since it is now receiving different information, other issues arise for it to see the world by.




And so, the brain shows us a world in sleep, which we value as reality through our senses, which we perceive from within.




The fact that the dream event is so incomprehensible after we have woken up again is explained by the now no longer restricted perceptual ability of the outside world, including the frontal lobe: the senses can again absorb all information that the aims of the brain allow.

From this point of view, what happens in the dream then makes no sense.

Dream world and the world that we see with a fully functioning brain are therefore very different and, as I said, generate what the senses send to the brain (and what we then perceive).

Understanding these perceptions causes difficulties for people who continue to live in the perspective of their usual world.

But even experts have their seemingly insurmountable (especially emotional) problems to see that it is not the consciousness that carries out and decides everything, but the brain.

So, the perception of our dreams, which we grasp as absolute reality, remains an unsolvable puzzle for them.




In dreams, feelings have power.

The mind is mostly off.

Any thought (when awake again) that something metaphysical was involved is just wishful thinking.




In contrast to being awake, where aims of adaptation with the cerebrum dominate, dreams are about topics of the respective living being that are no longer influenced by the midpoints. The cerebrum, among other things, does not play a role here because it has largely been shut down. This is how the fantasies of dreams are perceived as reality.


Sleep is about recovery from wakefulness, in which one can constantly be brought back from the midpoint into structures.


In the dream it is about the continued working of the senses, which are now directed inwards. Since a number of functions of the brain have been shut down, they show topics and processes that are not geared towards a final result - like the aims (although here, too, only substances run according to laws).




You shouldn't take your dreams so seriously. They are surreal stimuli, scenes or stories that arise through associations, similarities, etc. Overall, however, they have little to do with reality.


You can see this, for example, in daydreams that are triggered by any kind of impulses, similarities, and generate fantasies.


Of course, this would not be seen as reality either.


Of course, this can of course also include wishes, fears, desires, fears, etc. of oneself, which have been stimulated.


Not infrequently it is somehow stimulated emotions that are experienced unbridled as reality with vivid fantasies.


Although the dream, like everything else, consists of substances that operate according to laws, it is of little use in life as a prophet, because everything is mixed up, realities do not matter.


This is mostly due to the similarities that are no longer monitored e.g., by the midpoints, especially in which the frontal lobe plays a major role.




Whether we are awake or asleep; our brain is always working. And absorbs information from the outside and inside world with the senses:


When we are awake, primarily from the outside world in order to be able to adapt. This changes and adjusts the aims in the brain and, of course, at the same time the midpoints that execute them. While awake, the midpoints often sort out what does not fit their aims (including fantasies, illogicals, dreams). Through this mechanism, the senses then no longer noticed.


In sleep from the inner world, because this is precisely the task of the senses. Here, the aims with their midpoints are not active (also because, as I said, they would interfere with recovery during sleep). The brain is not ruled from the midpoints. But about topics that jumble up what is currently being stimulated.




The brain works similarly in dreams and in wakefulness. Except that in the latter, the midpoints are in charge, showing the whole direction.


And during sleep brain functions are restricted.


In both cases we experience the world - and it appears real to us.




Aims are geared toward a final state.

Topics don't – they are open.




All topics can of course become aims while being awake - if they have exceeded certain thresholds - and then play an active part in the psyche.




To repeat it again:


In the dream, the brain shows us how, unregulated by the central mechanism of wakefulness, under the restriction of the frontal lobe and the striated muscles, it works in itself during sleep. That is why dreams are often so incomprehensible (see above). They show us, in relation to reality, a limited world through the senses.


Since certain functions are disabled during sleep, issues can arise that are not perceived while awake. Here, aims can also play a role that are no longer excluded from midpoints because there is often no space for them.


This can also include fantasies that came into our heads while we were awake, but classified as irrelevant or nonsensical - but were still saved.


Of course, problems, conflicts or wishes, etc. are also stimulated in the dream, which are then "processed". The results are mostly fantasies, unrealistic "solutions."


Or not, as in the case of traumatic experiences, the causes of which are evoked during sleep and can turn into nightmares.


It can show the most bizarre stories and images that we take as absolute reality - until we are again awake and everyday cognitive behaviour, including the frontal lobe function, has taken over again.




We are used to living purposefully, to bring everything in an understandable direction. And so, the dream is also interpreted accordingly. It is assumed to have an inner stringency - which is certainly incorrect.


Dreaming while sleeping just tells us how the brain works without the aims of wakefulness. As a rule, it does not depict how we should act (because it only has limited functions). And it especially doesn't show us how metaphysical, God, or supernatural wants to move us to do something.


You should keep in mind that the brain - like everything - consists of substances that operate according to laws.




Question: Why did it not occur to people in the past that dreams are exclusively produced by their brain?


Answer: Because they did not know how the brain works and that it is exclusively what shapes them. And remained in their belief in metaphysical activities because they couldn't explain it to themselves otherwise.




It's always like this: If something is not clear to you, then interpretations, interpretations, fantasies come into play. These fill in the “knowledge hole”. And so, people have often looked for the origin of their dreams in the outside world, for example given by God or other mystical instructions.




If you ask yourself what dreams are supposed to show us, the answer is: They tell us little that is useful. Because this is not their job.


But by thinking about your interpretation of dreams while awake, you could learn something about yourself - which aims and problems, among others, shape us.






• We sleep because it helps us recover from the waking state.


• We dream because our senses always remain active (if only to be able to absorb dangers from the environment).



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How could one 

explain oneself...








attachment in children


Body-mind separation


Brain (and its “operational




Brain (how it works)


brain flexibility


Brain versus computer






consciousness (description)




common sense




creativity / intuition










distraction / priming




Empathy / sympathy


fall asleep




feelings (origin)


First impression


emotional perceptions (feelings and emotionality)


forget (looking for)




Free will




frontal lobe






gut feeling




Inheritance, Genetics, Epigenetics




How the world came into being


How values arise


Ideas (unintentional)


Immanuel Kant


Inheritance, Genetics, Epigenetics






Location of the goals


Meditation (relaxation)


Midpoint-mechanics (function and explanation)




Mirror neurons


near-death experiences


objective and subjective












primordial structures


Prophecy, self-fulfilling


psyche (Definition and representation)




Rage on oneself


See only black or white




the SELF (definition)




[sense of] self-esteem








soul / spirit


Substances and laws (definition)








truth and faith




yin and yang



What kind of reader would you characterize yourself as?


1. I can't understand this.

2. I don't want to understand that because it doesn't fit my own worldview. (So, not to the aims that created this.)

3. I use my cognitive abilities to understand it.

4. I has judged beforehand and thinks I alredy understands everything.